Milton Keynes, England is a place where 51503 companies are located. Among them the oldest one, started back in 1893 is Scripture Union (incorporated on 1893-10-28) located within the MK15 0DF postcode. During the first half of 2016, 3667 companies have been started in Milton Keynes. For added context 3054 companies were created the previous year, 2974 in 2014 and 2848 in 2013.
As far as hospitals are concerned, we can name 3 out of many Milton Keynes can offer. There is the Milton Keynes Hospital, at Standing Way in the MK6 5LD postcode. They can be reached by phone at 01908243296. Then there is the Bletchley Community Hospital, at Whalley Drive in the MK3 6EN postcode. They can be reached by phone at 01908363070. Finally, we have the Blakelands Hospital, at Smeaton Close in the MK14 5HR postcode. They can be reached by phone at 01908334200.
If what you are looking for is information about schools, Milton Keynes has got it covered. Many schools are located in the area.
Finally, as far as culinary options are concerned, you have quite a choice - Milton Keynes is home to 677 restaurants, 159 bars and 265 takeaways.